Life's Little Bugs Logo for healthy habits and outdoor learning

Meet The Bugs!

Good habits start young!

Image of seven of the Life's Little Bugs characters

 Let's meet the quirky Life's Little Bugs and their cool habits! These funky characters embody key life skills we're all about. Kids totally click with these colourful pals, making learning healthy habits a blast!

Join Fitness Bug to uncover the magic of staying active, gobbling up nutritious goodies, and dancing to the rhythm of exercise for a jolly, healthy life.

Discover why being kind and showing respect is a big deal with Doodle Bug and his doodle-tastic  adventures!

Doodle Bug being drawn on
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Gum Bug getting teeth cleaning lessons
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Bid farewell to Gum Bug by mastering the art of dental care.

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Dive into the world of the Blue Hum Bug, who flips his frown to a smile by embracing positivity, nurturing a growth mindset, and shouting out a loud "I can do it!"

Litter Bug learning to change his messy ways with fly

Don't overlook the epic tale of Litter Bug and Fly teaching us the ABCs of eco-friendliness!

Banish the Flu Bug and Tummy Bug with these daily hygiene practices!

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